shopify agency of the year

Jan 30,2012 Shopify API Ecommerce

Boom in 'silver surfer' e commerce

In recent news, Silver Surfers are the biggest group to shop online by a whopping 86%.

Over a third regularly shop on the web. Strangely, those aged 25-34 are least likely to shop online with 13% stating that they never use the Internet to purchase goods. Quite surprising, as this age group tends to be the target for many brands, as they have more disposable income.

Brits tend to shop online for an average of 2.4 hours a week, rather than 1.2 hours on the high street. Despite the increased time spent on the internet, the average spend is a little lower than on the high street. Men seem to be the biggest online spenders. These trends seem to skew the traditional way in which advertisers thought people spent. Traditionally, it would tend to be the females as the decision makers, when it came to big purchases and they would be the main people purchasing food and fashion, but thanks to the introduction of e commerce, things have changed greatly.

So, what drives people to spend and what attracts customers?

Generally, users like a great looking website that is simple to use, enabling them to find what they need quickly with minimum effort. People are frustrated with having to register or sign up to a site and will research the cheapest price or the best deal before they set about their purchase.

This is from the perspective of the user, behind the scenes, web developers use a range of systems to create seamless e commerce stores. One of the systems used is Magento, an incredibly powerful product which can integrate with existing ERP and EPO systems. Magento is flexible and can be changed simply to reflect the needs of the client and the customer.

Another trick to help attract customers and drive sales, is SEO. Using keywords and phrases that users will search for, boosts company rankings in search engines, if you are on page one, you are more likely to get a hit and a purchase.

First impressions are important, if your website design is top notch and your site is simple to use, it is a real winner, in the eyes of customers, whether they are 17 or 70.



Juno Web Design