Conversion Rate Optimisation Skip to content
Shopify Agency UK - Award Winner - Juno Ecommerce

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimisation is the quickest, easiest and most measurable solution to improve the effectiveness of websites. Improving conversion rates is not only brilliant for increasing online profits (without the need to increase website traffic), it is also a permanent improvement which can be repeated again and again!

The idea behind conversion rate optimisation is simple:

Test two or more variations of a section of a webpage and then record which one performs better by setting a certain goal.  These scientific tests are known as ‘split tests’.

It’s that easy, all you have to do is test out two or more different elements of a webpage such as a background, heading, button, image etc. and then see which one wins.  The slightly tricky thing is to think of which element to test, that’s where Juno Media come in…

We have 4 years of conversion experience with now an in-house conversion specialist dedicated to squeeze every last percentage of profit out of each website.  We have performed many conversion split tests and keep up with the latest industry news to get a natural instinct of what web elements work and what can distract from potential sales.

A few examples of our split testing knowledge include:

– Homepage headers – The average user now spends on average between 3 and 4 seconds to decide whether to stay on a website or not when it first loads.  We have discovered over the years that you must very quickly describe what your website has to offer with an image and large headline.  Fancy flash headers or really big images eat into these precious 3-4 seconds as they take longer to download.  A fine balance needs to be found between speed, clarity and sales power with the homepage header.  No matter how expert our opinion is, the only proof in which homepage banner converts best is to test out a few variations.  We see which banner works best and then continue to tweak that winning banner further with minor changes such as filesize and words used in any headlines.  One of our famous tests involved testing out a homepage banner which ran through a series of 6 images showing fashion models; when starting the slideshow with an image of a model in a forest scene 12% more people stayed on the website and visited second pages.

– Links – We have seen significant leaps in conversion rates by looking at the style and position of links on a website.  Underlined, blue links outperform any other style of links online as people are so used to them, just by underlining important links or changing the colour to blue we have seen conversion rates go up by over 5%.

– Call to Actions – It’s important if you are selling a product or a service to place the ‘call to action’ (i.e. some action you want the user to take, such as clicking on a “buy” button or calling a telephone number) in a position where it is most likely to get seen and used.  If you ran for example a gardening service then your most important call to action is your telephone number or online contact form.  We know it’s imperative that the website user can see the phone number at the top of the website, in the footer of the website and after each page of sales text to ensure they find the correct information quickly.

– Shopping Carts – If you run an online ecommerce store then upto 70% of visitors add items to the shopping cart and then leave the website altogether.  We test out each stage along the shopping cart process to ensure that it’s really easy to use and the potential buyer is ensured of a secure online payment; these small changes ass up to more and more people making it to the end of the buying process and bigger profits.

– Search Bars – If somebody searches for a product and nothing comes up they usually leave the website altogether.  We ensure that every major search and even mis-spellings are catered for with manually targeted landing pages for each popular search bar term.  This not only decreases the exit rate after failed internal searches, it also brings back that visitor again and again as they had a good shopping experience on the site.  Conversion optimisation is not just a short term fix it’s a long term, multiplying improvement.

– Prices – If you’re selling a unique product or service then you may be selling the product at a higher price than you should be, sometimes we’ve seen products sold at too LOWER price, even!  We have seen that the number 7 is a powerful conversion factor, products/services that end in a 7 are more likely to sell for example a teapot priced £49.97 is more likely to sell than the same teapot sold at £49.99.  One of our clients doubled the profit margins on a range of product making them around 60% more expensive overall.  Sale’s per person went down by only 30% which may at first seem like a bad thing but when you work it out they got MORE profit overall and now spend LESS on delivery admin costs, a double win!

This is just a sample of what we can split test to increase your online conversion rates; we look at each site individually and test the biggest issues first.

You can test literally anything on a website and then see whether it produces more sales or not.  Google, Amazon and Ebay are famous examples of agencies that have been split testing from very early stages and still split test to improve conversion rates today.  There is no excuse not to optimise your website’s conversion rate, it’s the quickest way to permanently improve your bottom line and it doesn’t require hunting for extra traffic resources or doing any stressful marketing campaigns.

Call us right now to hear more about our conversion optimisation service, we’ll be happy to hear from you and excited to improve your business in the near future: 0845 544 1766
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