Dec 12,2008 Juno Ecommerce Ecommerce
5 Suggestions For Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is a strategy that encourages your customers, subscribers, email recipients to pass on your marketing message to others. That means other people are passing on message about your products or your affiliate products. This can result is massive free exposure for your website or products.
If you are an affiliate marketer, you can generate a large amount of traffic to your site and possibly lots of sales if you can make people start promoting your website or affiliate link. But the question arises as to why would somebody want to promote your product? How can you make people spread word about your products?
Here are some tips to start popular viral marketing campaigns:
1. Purchase Private Label Rights for an ebook related to your niche. Then giveaway the ebook to people for free download from your website. You can also allow people to pass the ebook to others without any modifications. This way you can start a viral virus!
2. If you cannot get hold of a good private label right ebook for your niche, think of writing one yourself. It doesn't have to be the most perfect or comprehensive manual. Anyways you are not planning to sell it, you are just giving it away for free. The more specific and useful your ebook the better it may be. Writing a short, up-to-the-point ebook shouldn't take you that long.
3. Give incentive to people to refer others to your site. On your website you can have a "tell-a-friend" script using which you can ask your site visitor to enter the emails of 3 friends and send them a message recommending them your site. If they refer 3 friends they can get a good ebook, or software for free in exchange of their favor.
4. Write such a good and useful short report about any topic on your niche and give it for free download to people. If the content of the report is excellent and very useful then people might feel compelled to refer that to their friends even if you don't provide them any incentive to do so. Thus a good report can really be useful in starting a viral marketing campaign to boost your online earnings.
5. When somebody subscribes to your email list, keep providing them with tons of excellent information and lots of freebies on consistent periodic basis without overwhelming them. If your list subscribers are satisfied with the quality of information they are receiving, they might tell a lot of people about it and may also write a review on their site about it.
Hopefully the above techniques should help in unleashing a free traffic virus to your website, so that you do not completely depend upon the search engines for your traffic. Instead you can build you online business on solid foundations by creating popular viral marketing campaigns.