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Nov 06,2008 Shopify API Ecommerce

8 Must Have Wordpress Plugins For The Business Blog

Here's a list of the eight plugins we've found most useful in blogging for my various wordpress blogs.

1 Subscribe to comments - This lets readers obtain updates any comments made on a web design post, so that they can keep in touch with current discussions. You require to get readers active with your posts and so this is plugin is a requirement.

2 All in one Adsens and YPN - This makes it simpler to handle your Adsense and YPN advertisements in your blog. If you make up your mind that it adds up for you to have Google Ads on your blog, this plugin will make your life less complicated.

3 Chicklet Creator - an easy way to add RSS feed buttons to your web design to make it effortless for readers to subscribe to your blog.

4 Related posts - A list of 5 posts which are connected each post appears below each post, enabling blog visitors to read more about a subject of concern.

5 Sociable - Members of social networking websites such as as Digg and Stumbleupon to can easily tag your post. You want to promote readers to submit posts to these websites and it can give your post broader exposure.

6 Google Sitemap - The site map makes it more effortless for your blog to be indexed by the major SEs.

7 Simple Tags - an easy way of adding Technorati tags to your posts so that the main blog search engine, Technorati, can catergorise your posts.

8 Feedburner Smith - discovers all the ways to access your blogs RSS feed permitting Feedburner to track your subscribers. You want to have as much info as imaginable about subscribers and which posts are most fashionable.