shopify agency of the year

Apr 12,2010 Shopify API Ecommerce

Macmillan Dictionary Blog, New Design

The Macmillan Dictionary is in the top three largest online dictionaries. The Dictionary blog is a resource site for the users, providing interactive information, downloads, blogs and a community. The importance of the blog is that it promotes the Macmillan Dictionary brand and services the community with engaging and useful resources. With a team of language specialists and quality authors The content for the site is very 'sticky' drawing users back for more.

The new website design is all about the content and clear signposting with simple architecture. The goal was to increase the interactivity of the blog with comment fields, user driven content and social tools. We have worked to improve the flow of traffic on the site, increase dwell time and reduce the bounce rate.

Here is the new web design... to view the live site click here ------> Dictionary