shopify agency of the year

Jun 16,2010 Juno Ecommerce Ecommerce

Sunglasses SEO progress

We have been optimising heavily our client Sunglasses Save for the search sunglasses (one word) and have positioned them at #6...  as well as achiving page one and number one positions for all of their brands eg the search Tiffany Sunglasses . We have driven a massive level of traffic to the site which has resulted in the client having to employ through weight of work... which is quite a result for Sunglasses Save and one we are very proud of.

As SEO work continues we are also refining the site in terms of functionality automating all of the manual tasks for the client so that the site is as far as possible an automated business. If we could automate the postage and packaging we would!!

Sunglasses Save have now added a whole host of new brands that mean that as well as offering great value they also have a tremendous amount of diverse product. We have added Vogue, Versus, Versace, Prada Linea Rossa, Miu Miu, Ferragamo, D & G, Carrera and Arnette.

Here is a snapshot of the current search Sunglasses.