Feb 29,2008 Shopify API Ecommerce
Wanted: Front End Developer and Expression Engine contractor
It's that time again, we're looking to expand even further with upcoming product launches and we require some new team members.
We'll start with our requirements for each position, and then what we want you to send in and where as your application afterwards.
Front End Developer(s):
- Write valid, standards compliant XHTML/CSS to a strict doctype.
- Hand code crossbrowser, hack-free and valid CSS.
- Show strong knowledge on Semantic XHTML structure and accesibility.
- Be able to optimize images and XHTML/CSS code to keep it to a minimum size.
- Take a PSD document and hand code it into a standards based XHTML/CSS site.
- Ability to look at existing sites and suggest improvements in mark-up
- Have it in you to do a fast turnaround if required
- Have examples ready to show us and be prepared to code something of our choosing as a test.
Expression Engine contractor:
- Show strong knowledge of Expression Engine with experience of use in either a commercial or a personal environment
- Be able to optimize and provide maintenance on existing EE sites
- Integrate XHTML/CSS templates efficiently, with examples of your previous work ready
- Make use of PHP as necessary
- Meet or beat deadlines confidently
To apply please send your details over to applications@rolled.at with the following:
- Your name, age and where you're from
- What experience you have had with the applicable position including live examples and details of how long you have been working with anything that is relevant
- Other knowledge and skills that you may have outside the required position
- Reasons why we should choose you and why you'd want to work for Rolled
- Hourly rate and availability (include timezone and how many hours you're prepared to work)
I'm looking forward to personally reading through every applicant. Enrique will also be responding to all Front End Development applications personally.