Dec 18,2019 Shopify API Design Development Ecommerce
A day in the life of: A designer

Here at Juno, we’re lucky to be brimming with talented staff. From developers and designers to managers and marketing guys, there’s a lot of different skill sets that go into our projects.
To give you a better idea of what it’s like to work at Juno, we’re asking our staff about their daily routines, how they stay organised and where they go for inspiration.
This week, we asked designer Jack Potter to give us some insight into his typical working day at Juno.
Jack Potter, Designer at Juno Web Design
How do you start your day?
I start my mornings by first having breakfast, typically a banana, cereal, followed by a yoghurt. I usually get into work at around 8:30, where I begin my work day by checking emails, responding to Slack mentions and seeing what tasks I have lined up for the rest of the day.
What’s your favourite planning method?
I like to cover all the bases. On my computer I use an app called ‘Bear’; primarily this is a note-taking app, however I like to use it to keep a check on what I need to do and when I have emailed clients with iterations of designs etc. Additionally, I also keep a notebook and post-its on my desk to remind me of those more urgent tasks that need looking at.
Where do you go for inspiration?
For some design inspiration and for keeping up with the latest trends, I typically use Dribbble and Behance. On both these platforms there are a wide array of talented designers from all around the globe, with a huge variety of designs to take inspiration from. I am also subscribed to Invision’s Inside Design newsletter, where they assemble together interesting articles (among other things) throughout the week, it's definitely worth a look.
What’s your favourite part of a project?
My favourite part of any project is the initial design of the homepage. I believe this is also one of the most important stages of the design process as it sets the tone and guidelines for the rest of the project.
What’s your favourite part about being a designer?
Being a designer is definitely interesting. I like experimenting with new ideas to incorporate into my designs. However, it is important to accept that not everything will work as intended and you have to be willing to scrap certain ideas and try different things. Anyways, that previous idea may be perfect for something else.
And your least favourite part?
The part of being a designer I like the least is the Visual Review stage. This takes place towards the end of a project (just before launch) and involves going through the development site and making a note of everything that needs adjusting/fixing for the front-end developers. It is often only small things, such as incorrect font sizes, weights etc, but it can take a while. However, that being said it does result in a better final result and happier clients (which is always a plus).
How do you end your day?
To finish off my work day I like to spend a little bit of time to plan for the following day. This may be simply continuing what I was working on that day, or rescheduling to work on something that is a little more time-sensitive. I tend to leave work at around 5PM and in the evening, I like to relax by watching Netflix, and/or playing video games (generic, I know).
A big thanks to Jack for sharing his daily design routine!
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We’re always looking for talented self-starters to join our team. If you think Juno might be the perfect fit for you, send us an email with your CV and cover letter, along with details about the kind of role you’re looking for.
At the moment, we’re especially to hear from developers and project managers – if that’s you, send your CV to