shopify agency of the year

Mar 05,2013 Shopify API Ecommerce

Juno called upon for Fish’s email campaign

Juno called upon for Fish’s email campaign

Here at Juno, we know there’s more to web design than meets the eye. Yes, you need to create a flawless website that speaks to your target audience and compels them to click the buy button, but it’s important to remember that the wider aspects of your marketing campaign need to be perfectly aligned as well to ensure maximum success. Everything needs to work together with the same branding, the same look and the same overall feel, and when Fish Soho called upon us to create their email campaign we were up to the challenge.

Fish Soho offers a contemporary range of hair care and grooming products for both men and women, being specifically targeted to the younger, professional generation. The brand is known for having a definitive edge and a distinct style that sets them apart from other products on the shelf, and they wanted to make sure that same attitude could be portrayed in their mailshot campaign. This is the best way to ensure an audience feels that sense of familiarity—if an email turns up that doesn’t deliver the kind of message a consumer expects it can do more harm than good, and that’s why focusing on maintaining that level of congruence is key.

And we’ve managed to achieve that kind of result. We’ve developed a template that captures the Fish brand perfectly, reflecting their core values with a sleek yet eye-catching style whilst adding a good dollop of the instantly-recognisable Fish attitude, and the beauty of our design is that it can be easily adapted each month to ensure total ease of use. The brand is incredibly happy with the result and the way the campaign is progressing, so if you want to create an email campaign that can work just get in touch and see what we can do.