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Nov 12,2008 Juno Ecommerce Ecommerce

Say No To Illegal SEO Techniques

Search engine optimization spamming, substantially increases the possibilities that a website or page will appear at the top of results on search engines for a certain keyword.

Businesses that use illegal SEO techniques to control, raise and improve their search engine positions, are denying or removing the rights of ethical websites to be heard and seen.  Regrettably, there are still many individuals who believe that “illegal SEO techniques” do no harm.

It is unethical and illegal for “spamming sites” to control search engines in order to gain high rankings in search engines at your website’s expense. You acquire your search engine position fairly so you deserve to be safeguarded from deceitful individuals who steal your visitors, publicity and income.

Remember that any effort so as to deceive search engines to achieve higher rankings is regarded as “SEO spam”; under no circumstances should you implement such methods in your marketing campaigns.

Never sacrifice your principles just so to reach your goals. There will be a great risk involved, such as your website can be penalized or worst, banned from top search engines and can stay banned for a long time.

Unethical and illegal SEO techniques:

1. “Keyword stuffing”.  This means employing the use of the same or exact “keywords” in your “META tags” or anywhere in your content repeatedly.

2. Hidden links and text.  Search engines work by scanning pages for certain keywords which are submitted into a search request and display results where the exact keyword appears typically, on a “page”.

Webmasters then insert some links or texts that are only readable by search engines but can not be seen by the human eye.  You can, for instance put a white link or text with the appropriate keywords unto a certain web page with also a white background.  Individuals can not detect it and will not even notice the difference; however “spiders” can read it and rank that site higher.

3. “Mirror websites” or “Sybil attack”.  These are several sites having identical contents but different “URL”, all linking to one another, constructed for a very cruel objective.

4.  “Doorway pages”.  Normally, these are pages of poor quality constructed to rank highly particularly for one or even more selected keywords.  These do not affect your website visitors and only constructed for search engines.
These pages can contain the exact content of other sites but generally exhibits only a link going to the main page with no “navigation menu”.  They can at times dwell on the very same, however typically on other business’ server.

5. Cloaking.  Delivers many different web pages for search engines and visitors. Webmasters construct their servers so that it can identify “IP addresses” of spiders then provide them with content rich and optimized pages, at the same time displaying different web pages for individuals.

Cloaking can likewise redirect a web visitor to their home page.

6. “Link farms”.  Purposely to acquire link popularity, link farms are typically one page consisting of fifty up to one hundred or even more links to certain websites having no similarities with your website’s content.

Search engine “spammers” are aware of the fact that their pages’ content are of poor quality and are useless to individuals that visit their site.

The unethical and illegal websites prompted Google (Google page rank) as well as other top search engines in improving search technology that now has faster, better and advanced spam filters that can detect illegal techniques then ban such websites from search engines forever.

Risks and dangers of Unethical and illegal SEO Techniques

SEO spamming can, in reality bring about high rankings.  Do keep in mind however, that the effect is only temporary. Webmasters using illegal SEO techniques can benefit from their high search engine position for days, weeks, even months however once search engines discover webmasters using these illegal techniques, then they will be banned from search engine index for possibly a lifetime.

Even if one is not banned for a lifetime, it is difficult to be “re-indexed”.  One may need to start over and purchase a new “domain name”.  So then before using any illegal SEO techniques, think wisely and weigh if you are prepared to put your entire internet business in jeopardy just for months of obtaining a high rank in search engines.